Hi Feike,
It was a corrupt index. We ran "reindex" under CLIENTS table and the
problem was solved.
Thank you very much for help!
2015-12-29 18:26 GMT-02:00 Feike Steenbergen <feikesteenbergen@gmail.com>:
> Could you do an explain analyze of both of these statements? It may help
> in understanding the issue.
> If it's a primary key, I assume the first query to be using the primary
> key index.
> The second variant will probably be a sequential scan on the table.
> If these give different results, it may be a corrupt index, you could try
> to reindex the specific index or the table, see
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-reindex.html
Ronan Lima Vargas