On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Samuel Stearns
<SStearns@internode.com.au> wrote:
Results of \d (without all the column defs):
"input_transaction_snbs_prod_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"i1" btree (trans_client)
Check constraints:
"chk_charge" CHECK (charge_type IS NULL OR charge_type = 'Recurring'::text OR charge_type = 'Usage'::text OR charge_type = 'Fee'::text OR charge_type = 'Equipment'::text OR charge_type = 'One-t
ime'::text OR charge_type = 'Reversal'::text OR charge_type = 'Adjustment'::text)
Thanks. I was checking any INVALID indexes on the table. Its fine, can try below query.
select schemaname,relid,indexrelid,relname,indexrelname from pg_stat_all_indexes where relname='i1';
Also, try to ANALYZE the database and retry the queries. Its just to confirm that query results are getting from updated catalogs.