On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 12:38 AM, Jeff Baldwin <> wrote:
> Thank you for your time Alan.
> To move the DB, you are suggesting something like this:
> pg_dump -h dbms11 -U postgres -C mls11 | psql -h localhost -d mls11 -U
> postgres
I'd like to point one thing, you MAY get a little more speed if you
run pg_dump AND psql each in the same host as the DB it's operating on
to minimize latency ( and I would time unix socket vs network first in
case it differs ). ( to do that I would try something like 'ssh dbms11
"pg_dump mls11 " | psql -d mls11' with all the needed doodahs, and
maybe use something like netcat or socat instead of ssh ). The
rationale being the intermediate dump is just a data stream and not
latency sensitive ( except for the window*latency problem, but you are
not going to hit that on a LAN ), while the dump/restore does DB work
which is more latency sensitive ( I do not know how many RTTs it would
need, specially with blobs, but you can try it ).
¿ How many hours does it take in your tests? Because if you have 1-2
and you can do the dump psql pipe trick, which is quite robust, in 3-4
you may push for it ( arguing it's a simpler an more testable process
Francisco Olarte.