I think I've tripped over another mysq_fdw bug. I've filed a bug report on github already but just in case the problem is w/ my query I figured I would post it here in case someone sees something obvious.
The error message I get is: null value in column "location" violates not-null constraint.
For the record I know top posting is a crime against god and humanity but I feel justified because this post is not directly related to the original. So there! Granted it's in the same milieu; and yes this current sentence exists for the sole purpose of me being able to use the word milieu because the opportunity to use it is so few and far between.
INSERT INTO series (cid, day, title, description, location, duration, can_join) SELECT cid, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY cid ORDER BY lower(duration)), title, description, location, duration, can_join FROM ( SELECT cid, title, description, can_join::BOOLEAN, (SELECT label FROM _locations WHERE loc=location) AS location, ('[' || starts || ', ' || (starts + INTERVAL '4 HOUR') || ']')::TSZ_PERIOD AS duration FROM _series ) AS v
So what do you get when you do?:
SELECT cid, title, description, can_join::BOOLEAN, (SELECT label FROM _locations WHERE loc=location) AS location, ('[' || starts || ', ' || (starts + INTERVAL '4 HOUR') || ']')::TSTZRANGE AS duration FROM _series );