Re: optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Robert Haas
Subject Re: optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade
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Responses Re: optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade
List pgsql-hackers
On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 5:07 PM Nathan Bossart <> wrote:
> these user relation files will have the same name.  Therefore, it can be
> much faster to instead move the entire data directory from the old cluster
> to the new cluster and to then swap the catalog relation files.

This is a cool idea.

> Another interesting problem is that pg_upgrade currently doesn't transfer
> the sequence data files.  Since v10, we've restored these via pg_restore.
> I believe this was originally done for the introduction of the pg_sequence
> catalog, which changed the format of sequence tuples.  In the new
> catalog-swap mode I am proposing, this means we need to transfer all the
> pg_restore-generated sequence data files.  If there are many sequences, it
> can be difficult to determine which transfer mode and synchronization
> method will be faster.  Since sequence tuple modifications are very rare, I
> think the new catalog-swap mode should just use the sequence data files
> from the old cluster whenever possible.

Maybe we should rethink the decision not to transfer relfilenodes for
sequences. Or have more than one way to do it. pg_upgrade
--binary-upgrade --binary-upgrade-even-for-sequences, or whatever.

Robert Haas

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From: Robert Haas
Subject: making EXPLAIN extensible
From: Robert Haas
Subject: Re: optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade