On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 2:41 PM Ranier Vilela <ranier.vf@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do not agree in any way. At the very least what I am reporting is suspect. And if I already propose a solution even
ifit is not the best, it is much better than being silent and missing the opportunity to fix a bug.
> Ridiculous is your lack of education.
That's rather rude. I doubt that you know anything about how much
education Andres does nor does not have. The fact that he doesn't
agree with you does not mean that he is poorly educated.
On the substance of the issue, I see from the commit log that you've
gotten a few real issues fixed -- but I also agree with Andres that
you've reported a lot of things that are not real issues, and that
takes up other people's time looking at things that really don't
matter. Please make an effort not to report things that don't actually
need to be fixed.
pg_resetwal exits very quickly, generally in a small fraction of a
second. The allocation you're at pains to free only happens once per
execution and allocates only 8kB. Trying to free allocations that are
tiny and short-lived has no benefit. It's better to let the program
exit that much quicker, at which point all the memory is freed anyway.
Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company