default privileges are npt working - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Atul Kumar
Subject default privileges are npt working
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Responses Re: default privileges are npt working
Re: default privileges are npt working
Re: default privileges are npt working
List pgsql-general

I have a postgres instance running on version 15 in centos7.

I have created a custom database and revoked all public privileges from that database.

Then I have created a custom schema in that custom database.

Now I have created one writer user and one reader user by postgres superuser and then granted connect privileges on the database.

Then I have given all privileges of schema level and table level to the writer user so that it can create tables and insert data in the tables in that schema.

And for reader use I have granted usage only privileges on schema level and select privileges on table level so that it can only read the data of tables.

Then I granted default "select" privileges to reader user to read data of all tables created by writer user using below command:

alter default privileges in schema <custom schema> grant select on tables to <reader user>.

but when I am connected to the reader user I am not able to read the data inserted by the writer user and getting permission denied error.

I can only see the list of tables created by the writer user, not the data.

Am I missing something here? Please let me know.

My Goal: To read the data by reader user inserted by writer user.


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