On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 4:50 PM Amit Langote <amitlangote09@gmail.com> wrote:
> * I may be missing something, but why doesn't do_autovacuum() fetch a
> partitioned table's entry from pgstat instead of fetching that for
> individual children and adding? That is, why do we need to do the
> following:
> + /*
> + * If the relation is a partitioned table, we check it
> using reltuples
> + * added up childrens' and changes_since_analyze tracked
> by stats collector.
Oh, it's only adding up children's pg_class.reltuple, not pgstat
stats. We need to do that because a partitioned table's
pg_class.reltuples is always 0 and correctly so. Sorry for not
reading the patch properly.