On 1 December 2011 20:58, <bht@actrix.gen.nz> wrote:
> I hope you are not suggesting that I
> discuss this with PostgreSQL DB engine engineers. I really can't do
> that so I will keep requesting a fix here.
Actually, that was exactly what I was suggesting. As I described in my
previous mail, it's really not something that can be handled in the
driver. You want a change to how parameters of unknown type are
handled in IS NULL expressions; that's entirely server-side, the
driver has no idea what an IS NULL expression looks like. You'll
probably want a stronger argument than "our JPA implementation doesn't
pass type information" first though.
> Would it be possible that you open a request/ticket/issue where this
> can be addressed formally? This could be on the driver side or on the
> DB engine side - as long as the outcome is a resolution.
The -jdbc list is the right place to do this for the JDBC driver, so
you're already there.
For changes to the backend, the -hackers list is the place to discuss them.
There is a -bugs list & a bug reporting form that feeds that, but
usually any in-depth discussion moves on to the appropriate list.
That said, I don't have plans to look at this further, so you'll
either need to convince someone else that it's worth working on, or
provide a patch yourself. That's the way that most things beyond
obvious bugfixes get implemented - someone scratches their own itch
and contributes the changes.
If you want more support than that, there are 3rd parties that can
provide commercial support for you - see