when user akanzler tries to run query "SELECT * FROM zoewang.sometable...", it triggers this error:
2020-08-06 17:27:27.664 UTC [15914]: [3] user=akanzler,db=risk_oltp_prod,app=[unknown],client= ERROR:
permissiondenied for schema zoewang at character 15
--- YET ---
risk_oltp_prod=# \dn+ zoewang
List of schemas
Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description
zoewang | srv_risk | srv_risk=UC/srv_risk +|
| | akanzler=UC/srv_risk +|
| | srv_risk_ro=U/srv_risk |
(1 row)
HUH? (And the user also has all privs on all the tables in the schema...)
Scott Ribe