On 2024-12-06 7:40 a.m., Arbol One wrote:
When enter this commands in psql :
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE GROUP arbolone_dev_group; // Create a group
CREATE ROLE company_admin LOGIN PASSWORD 'myPassword' CREATEDB IN GROUP arbolone_dev_group CREATEROLE;
GRANT arbolone_dev_group TO company_admin WITH INHERIT TRUE;
I get this error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "INHERIT"
LINE 1: GRANT arbolone_dev_group TO company_admin WITH INHERIT TRUE;
ArbolOne ™
Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird.
ArbolOne is composed of students and volunteers dedicated to providing free services to charitable organizations.
ArbolOne's development on Java, PostgreSQL, HTML and Jakarta EE is in progress [ í ]