sorry, just discovered the answer, only need to cast the value like this
String sql = "SELECT * FROM insertaEgreso(?, ?, ?::DATE, ?, ?, ?)";
pst.setDate(3, date);
> I have a function declared as follows
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insertaegreso(usuario1 integer, importepago1 numeric, fechapago1 DATE, concepto1 character
varying,tipopagonomina1 character varying, comentarios1 character varying)
> RETURNS integer AS....implementation....
> notice the field "fechapago1 DATE"
> the function is working just fine, I tried it from pgadmin3 and it works,
> but when I try to call it using java's PreparedStatement pst;
> pst.setDate(3, date);
> I get this error, (note: "no existe la función" means "the function .... doesn't exists")
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: no existe la función insertaegreso(integer, double precision, unknown,
charactervarying, character varying, character varying)
> it puts "unknown" instead of date
> is there a workaround for it that doesn't involve creating a function with VARCHAR instead of DATE?
> because also when I try to do something like
> String sql1 = "SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM ?)";
> PreparedStatement pst = con.getPreparedStatement(sql1);
> pst.setDate(1, date);
> I get this error:
> (the function....isn't unique)
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: la función pg_catalog.date_part(unknown, unknown) no es única
> tanks in advance
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