Em 09/11/2012 20:18, Tom Lane escreveu:
> Andres Freund <andres@anarazel.de> writes:
>> On 2012-11-09 12:42:37 +0100, Albe Laurenz wrote:
>>> You cannot play it over permissions, but what about the following trick:
>>> postgres=# CREATE DATABASE persist;
>>> postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate=TRUE WHERE
>>> datname='persist';
>>> UPDATE 1
>>> postgres=# DROP DATABASE persist;
>>> ERROR: cannot drop a template database
>> Not a good idea, autovacuum will use a freeze_min_age of 0 in that
>> case which will make it heaps more expensive. Also it allows everyone to
>> copy that database not only its owner/superuser.
>> I think there might be even more unexpected consequences of playing that
>> trick.
> It seems pretty pointless in any case, since a superuser could just undo
> the UPDATE and then drop the database.
> If what you're trying to avoid is accidental, rather than malicious,
> drops, here's something that would be a lot more useful: avoid using
> superuser accounts as much as you possibly can. There are not that
> many things that you really need to use superuser privileges for.
> regards, tom lane
Thanks you.
I'll look documentation to create a user that has enough permission to
do everything needed, except dropping databases.