OK, I am having a problem, and it is driving me mad!
I want to kill off active sessions for a specific database.
Now, I have installed PSQL with PL/PERL support and have created a function that allows PSQL to run shell commands.
So, from here I can use Sql to get a list of the procpids for backends active for a specific database.
now, kill -9 is obviously NOT the best idea to use (i.e. to manually and brute force-like kill the postmaster processes for the backends identified).
What other methods are there for me to use?
After the backends have been killed, I wish to call the DROP DATABASE dbname command via SQL - which does not work unless no sessions are active for the DB.
Can anyone assist me here? Is there a "clean" way to kill of the connections, even if I need to wait for them to finish their tasks then shut down, so that I can safely call DROP DATABASE?!
Please help!
Thanks in advance,