pstmt =3D connection.prepareStatement("select currval(?)"); throws "func=
tion currval(character varying) does not exist"
Using pgAdmin, I could see that currval() now takes a regclass parameter=
, so
I got it to work using
pstmt =3D connection.prepareStatement("select currval(cast(cast(? as tex=
t) as regclass))");
Is currval(text) gone for good or is this an oversight?
If it's gone for good, is cast(cast(? as text) as regclass) the recommen=
ded way of handling this?
I am using PostgreSQL 8.1 beta3 under Windows XP Service Pack 2 with JDB=
C3 8.1 Build 402.
It worked fine with PostgreSQL 8.1 beta2 and with 8.0.*
Jean-Pierre Pelletier