1. You can raise exceptions but you can't catch exceptions in pgsql right?
2. Does Postgres support ORDBMS operations?
Specifically I am wondering about the ability to define your own objects and
create functions/procedures for the objects (e.g. object.method()). In
Oracle I would use CREATE TYPE and CREATE TYPE BODY. Postgres' create type
seems quite different than Oracle's version and they don't seem equivalent
to each other. The Postgres version seems like it is for creating your own
datatypes but not your own objets. I couldn't find any docs on this except
on the SQL commands page.
3. Does it support nested tables?
Again I couldn't find any info in the docs for this.
4. Can dates only be storied in YYYY-MM-DD format?
I've looked over the documentation at
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/static/functions-formatting.html and it
seems that doing to_date(t_date,''DD-MON-YYYY'') should return 20-OCT-2003
but it returns 2003-10-20 no matter what I do.
An example:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION datetest() RETURNS date AS ' DECLARE t_date varchar; v_date date; BEGIN
t_date:= to_char(now(),''DD-MON-YYYY''); v_date := to_date(t_date,''DD-MON-YYYY''); RETURN v_date; END; '
SELECT datetest();
this returns:
I wanted it to return 20-OCT-2003 and the documentation suggests that I
should be able to do that yet it doesn't actually do it.
Now slightly different:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION datetest() RETURNS varchar AS ' DECLARE t_date varchar; v_date date; BEGIN
t_date:= to_char(now(),''DD-MON-YYYY''); v_date := to_date(t_date,''DD-MON-YYYY''); RETURN t_date; END; '
SELECT datetest();
This returns:
This works fine but it is a varchar. I really want it to be stored like that
but in a date type instead.
Thanks for the answers!
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