Re: Sun acquires MySQL - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Martin Gainty
Subject Re: Sun acquires MySQL
Msg-id BAY108-DAV92D868FFBAEDA4B15DD49AE3C0@phx.gbl
Whole thread Raw
In response to Sun acquires MySQL  (Russ Brown <>)
Responses Re: Sun acquires MySQL
Re: Sun acquires MySQL
List pgsql-general
Good Morning Walter

dont forget MySQL also has support for simple commands such as
show databases
show tables

support for compiling and execution of Procedures in Postgres is nonexistent
99% of SQL code in either Oracle and MySQL DB's are written in
Procedures..trying to port that to Postgres is a very long and tedious
uphill climb

----- Original Message -----
From: "walterbyrd" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Sun acquires MySQL

> > > IsMySQLa direct competitor to Oracle? For the people who usemysql,
> > > mostly smaller websites, oracle is not a realistic option.
> >
> > Smaller?   Did you mean Larger?
> >
> I think what I mean is less mission critical. I have never heard of a
> bank using MySQL as their main database system.
> My point is, it does not seem to me that Oracle and MySQL compete head
> to head. Most people who use Oracle would not consider MySQL for
> anything critical. And most people who use MySQL would not consider
> Oracle. For now, I think the two products target different markets. Of
> course, that could change.
> Before Sun acquired MySQL, I suspected that MySQL would be squeezed
> between PostgreSQL and SQLite.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

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