Good Morning Walter
dont forget MySQL also has support for simple commands such as
show databases
show tables
support for compiling and execution of Procedures in Postgres is nonexistent
99% of SQL code in either Oracle and MySQL DB's are written in
Procedures..trying to port that to Postgres is a very long and tedious
uphill climb
----- Original Message -----
From: "walterbyrd" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Sun acquires MySQL
> > > IsMySQLa direct competitor to Oracle? For the people who usemysql,
> > > mostly smaller websites, oracle is not a realistic option.
> >
> > Smaller? Did you mean Larger?
> >
> I think what I mean is less mission critical. I have never heard of a
> bank using MySQL as their main database system.
> My point is, it does not seem to me that Oracle and MySQL compete head
> to head. Most people who use Oracle would not consider MySQL for
> anything critical. And most people who use MySQL would not consider
> Oracle. For now, I think the two products target different markets. Of
> course, that could change.
> Before Sun acquired MySQL, I suspected that MySQL would be squeezed
> between PostgreSQL and SQLite.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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