connection string - DNS - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Adam O'Toole
Subject connection string - DNS
Msg-id BAY102-F37A8622D5E299FF3B60585FBC40@phx.gbl
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: connection string - DNS
List pgsql-general
Hi there.
I am connecting to my Postgresql 7.4.7 sever with psql-odbc from my VB.NET
frontend. Right now I am using the Postgres server IP address in the odbc
connection string. My question, I want to use a DNS server, how will my
connection string change. Will I just specify the DNS address for the
�SERVER=� parameter in the connection string, or will I specify a new
parameter �DNS=�.  Here is my connection string right now:

OdbcConnection.ConnectionString =


Thank you!

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