I was able to export the Wiki database into a single file using the
conversion tool mentioned previously.
root@ideweb1 postgres]# ./mediawiki_mysql2postgres.pl --db=wiki
--user=mediawiki --pass=**************
Writing file "mediawiki_upgrade.pg"
As you can see above that generated a new file in my current working
directory which is output of running the conversion tool:
[root@ideweb1 postgres]# ls -lh mediawiki_upgrade.pg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 112M Apr 27 09:24 mediawiki_upgrade.pg
So my question is now that I have the file above which I assume
contains the entire SQL database structure parameters and associated
data, how do I insert this into my existing PostgreSQL server? Do I
need to create a wiki database using template0 or template1? Or should
I just create a database as normal w/o templates and assign a wiki
role to that database?