Re: pgAdmin III commit: Database Designer (milestone 1 of GSoC 2011) - Mailing list pgadmin-hackers

From Dave Page
Subject Re: pgAdmin III commit: Database Designer (milestone 1 of GSoC 2011)
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In response to Re: pgAdmin III commit: Database Designer (milestone 1 of GSoC 2011)  (Luis Ochoa <>)
Responses Re: pgAdmin III commit: Database Designer (milestone 1 of GSoC 2011)
List pgadmin-hackers
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Luis Ochoa <> wrote:
> Well, I really don't have any objections about change library name, but in
> fact I wrote to my mentor informing about this change a few weeks ago.
> I choose wxhotdraw because is a wxwidgets (wx) implementation of a hotdraw
> like framework (, like jhotdraw
> for java or monohotdraw for mono (C#) or gohotdraw for go programming
> language and so.
> Other reason is this library right now was created from a generic point of
> view and used for the database designer, and this means that can be a used
> for other projects that uses wxwidgets, and I probably continue their
> development after gsoc too, from a generic point of view not just for
> database designer but mantaining compatibility always, just like ogl but
> following the hotdraw like software patterns.
> Now, I can change it name, just tell me, what to do, and I'll do it.

I would like it to be changed please. I find it annoying enough that
long ago we created a couple of controls with wx prefixes (eg.
wxTimeSpinCtrl and wxCalendarBox) - I've found myself looking for the
documentation for those on on more than one occasion
before remembering they're not in wxWidgets.

Also, if this is intended as a general use library as you describe,
then it really shouldn't be tucked away in the pgadmin/dd/hotdraw
directory. pgadmin/hotdraw would be more appropriate I think.

Quick question (and I'm not going to ask for this to be changed) - but
why didn't you use OGL, which we already use elsewhere?

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

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The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

pgadmin-hackers by date:

From: Luis Ochoa
Subject: Re: pgAdmin III commit: Database Designer (milestone 1 of GSoC 2011)
From: Guillaume Lelarge
Subject: pgAdmin III commit: Fix a bug with adding tables in the DD