>> > It's part of postgresql 7.3. Just get it from the 7.3
>> > contrib dir - it works fine with 7.2
>> That's nice to hear. Thanx for that info.
> That's alright - cron job it for once a month - that's what
> I do. Basically the problem is that in certain cases
> (monotonically increasing serial indexes) for instance,
> PosgreSQL < 7.4 is unable to fully reclaim all the
> space after a page split. This means that your indexes
> just gradually grow really large.
Uhm, I'm unable to find reindexdb. I have postgres 7.3.4
on another server, but there's no reindexdb. Can you point
me to the right direction?
Here's what's installed on that machine:
# rpm -qa|grep postgres
> Yeah - 7.4 beta3 will be out very shortly, you'll probably
> have to wait a month or so for a final 7.4 release.
Old version is rockstable and quite fast, so no problem with
> Even then, ugprading postgresql is always a pain in the neck.
Upgrading to 7.3.4 was quite easy here. dumped the dbs,
uninstalled 7.2, installed 7.3 and let it read the dump. done.