I'm only very rarely using SQL, so please forgive me if I show any
obvious signs of ignorance...
I've got three tables "customer", "address" and "country". I want to
set the "language" attribute on "customer" on rows returned by a
SELECT such as this:
SELECT title, first_names, last_name, email, language,
country.country_name FROM ((customer JOIN address ON customer.eoid =
address.eoid_customer) JOIN country ON address.eoid_country =
country.eoid) WHERE email LIKE '%.es' AND country.country_name =
That is, I want to set the "language" to 'Spanish' where the
"customer.email" is like '%.es' and where "country.country_name" is
I've tried all sorts of places to put the JOIN and the WHERE clauses
within the UPDATE statement, but I just don't get it.
I'd be most grateful for any help...
P.S.: One of my sorry attempts looked like this - which updates all
rows in "customer" so I figure the WHERE clause is not where it
should be:
UPDATE customer SET language = 'Spanish' FROM ((customer AS
customer_address JOIN address ON customer_address.eoid =
address.eoid_customer) JOIN country ON address.eoid_country =
country.eoid) WHERE customer.email LIKE '%.es' AND
country.country_name = 'SPAIN');