RE: Regarding setClob and getclobval methods in PostgreSQL - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Rajyalakshmi Sareddy
Subject RE: Regarding setClob and getclobval methods in PostgreSQL
Msg-id AM6P137MB0130E6C698B0A36DBC861D2BD6F52@AM6P137MB0130.EURP137.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
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List pgsql-novice

Thank you for your response.

Can you please ping me specific mailing list for the JDBC driver so that I can get better solutions.

Thanks and Regards
Rajyalakshmi Sareddy
Integration Developer
Middleware & Integration
GSK Tech
Hyderabad, India
M: +91 8309974485

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurenz Albe <>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2025 5:13 AM
To: Rajyalakshmi Sareddy <>;
Subject: Re: Regarding setClob and getclobval methods in PostgreSQL

On Fri, 2025-01-31 at 11:35 +0000, Rajyalakshmi Sareddy wrote:
> We are currently migrating the code from oracle to postgresql and
> using jdbc jar ispostgresql-42.7.4.jar. But for code migration, we are
> getting errors like
> org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.setClob(int, Reader) is not yet implemented.
> Could you please confirm on setClob and getclobval methods are
> implemented in postgresql-42.7.4 jar.  If not implemented, could you
> please suggest with alternate methods.

I can only confirm that that method is *not* implemented.
You would have to use setClob(int parameterIndex, Clob x) instead.

But really, *do not* use any of the getClob and setClob methods, because they use Large Objects in PostgreSQL, and you
shouldavoid Large Objects. 

Use setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) instead, so that you can use "bytea" in the database.

By the way, there is a specific mailing list for the JDBC driver, where you may get better answers.

Laurenz Albe
GSK monitors email communications sent to and from GSK in order to protect GSK, our employees, customers, suppliers and
businesspartners, from cyber threats and loss of GSK Information. GSK monitoring is conducted with appropriate
confidentialitycontrols and in accordance with local laws and after appropriate consultation. 

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