I am using Liquibase with postgres JDBC driver postgresql-8.4-702.jdbc4.jar PostgreSQL - 8.4.4 My table structure, for example, is CREATE TABLE applications ( id character varying NOT NULL, "name" character varying NOT NULL, "version" character varying NOT NULL, )
When i try export my database structure to the Liquibase script it makes column with length 2147483647. <column name="id" type="VARCHAR(10485760)"> <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="applications_pkey"/> </column> Maximum length of type character varying is 10485760. Generated script is broken.
I looked at Liquibase code and found that ResultSet.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE") returns 2147483647 when length not set implicitly.
Is this a bug? Is there any workaround exist?
You can set the unknownLength URL parameter to say whay you think the size of an unspecified string should be: