On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Euler Taveira de Oliveira
<euler@timbira.com> wrote:
What do you mean by complex queries? You can always use the SET command. Sadly
it doesn't work when you have different thresholds within distinct subqueries.
(In pg_similarity I use this approach to set the function's thresholds).
I mean exactly different thresholds in distinct subqueries.
I am investigating is a way to build an index with some user-defined
parameters. (We already have some infra-structure in reloptions for that but
it needs some work to support my idea). I have some half-baked patch that I'm
planning to submit to some of the CFs. Unfortunately, I don't have time for it
User-defined parameters for GiST would be a great feature. I'm performing some experiments with GiST and I'm really feeling the need of it.
With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.