>> Code which utilizes a
>> ResultSet should do so in a thread safe manner, rather than attempting
>> to make the resultset implementation thread-safe - unless my assumptions
>> about the intent of the interface designers is incorrect.
> It is meaningless to talk about thread safety with respect to interfaces.
I think Samuel was talking about the thread-safety guarantees of the
interface contract. E.g., the List interface does not guarantee
thread-safety, so if you want to call add() on multiple Lists from
multiple threads, synchronization is your responsibility. If the
interface contract of ResultSet does not guarantee thread safety, I
don't see why the driver should bother to offer it there. Hashtable,
Vector, and StringBuffer took that route, and look at them now.
Maciek Sakrejda | System Architect | Truviso
1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 215
Foster City, CA 94404
(650) 242-3500 Main