On 17 June 2010 02:01, Josh Berkus <josh@postgresql.org> wrote:
> Advocacy geeks,
> So, the issue I'm having with drafting a press release for 9.0 and
> editing the release notes is that we have too many features. We
> shouldn't include all in the major features section of the release
> notes, and we definitely can't include them all in the press release.
> In fact, in the press release, we can at best include 6 in addition to
> replication.
> So, to help decide what's a "major feature" for 9.0, I'd like people to
> fill out this web survey form:
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dF9ZYmJoMGZGRGpxZ18xdG9OUGFqd3c6MQ
> Please help by seriously thinking about which features we should be
> really promoting for 9.0, and which we can leave for people to find in
> the release notes. Thanks!
Submitted my changes. I've focused mainly on what would most likely
attract new users.