Hi all,<br /><br />have such relation A:<br /><br />PERIOD_ID | DATE_START | DATE_END | OTHER_ATTRIBUTES...<br />
1 | 01.01.2010 | 01.02.2010 ....<br /> 2 | 03.02.2010 | 04.03.2010 .....<br />......<br
/><br/>I want to search among periods for the set of periods which completely covers passed search period.<br />As
example- if I pass search period '15.01.2010 to 15.02.2010' the result set must be empty because there is gap between
01.02and 03.02.<br /><br />please, suggest an idea how to implement this in SQL without writing a procedure.<br /><br
/>Thanks,<br/>Anton<br />