Re: Question on COUNT performance - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Anders Østergaard Jensen
Subject Re: Question on COUNT performance
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In response to Re: Question on COUNT performance  (Anders Østergaard Jensen <>)
Responses Re: Question on COUNT performance
Re: Question on COUNT performance
List pgsql-sql
Hi all, 

Thank you so much for your kind replies. It has all been a great help. 

I tried the SELECT COUNT(1) but that didn't yield any improvement, sorry. 

Doing the index on f_plan_event_acl( ... ) wont work, as the parameters are frequently shifted (the second parameter denotes the id of a user in another table). 

As Mr. Leeuwen rightfully points out, there might be some performance problems in my acl functions (these are basic functions that determine wether or not a user has got access to a certain row in a table or not---fx f_customer_acl(customer_id, user_id) will return true if the user has access to the customer with ID customer_id etc, the same for f_project_acl on projects etc).. I  am not great at optimising PL/pgSQL, though I have the assumption that the speed of the procedural language might have a great impact here. 

Before I start changing the content of the function that Mr. Leeuwen kindly provided above, can I pleas ask for help on how to optimise the other acl functions first? 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_contact_acl(uid integer, cid integer)
  user record;
  contact record;
  customer record;
  SELECT INTO customer cust.* FROM contacts
    JOIN customer_contacts cc ON cc.contact_id =
    JOIN customers cust ON = cc.customer_id
    WHERE = cid;

    SELECT INTO user * FROM users WHERE id=uid;

    if (customer.org_id != user.org_id) then
      return false;
    end if;

    return true;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- Hide quoted text -

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_customer_acl(uid integer, cid integer)
  user_id integer;
  customer_id integer;
  user record;
  customer record;
  user_id = $1;
  customer_id = $2;
  SELECT INTO user * FROM users WHERE id=user_id;
  SELECT INTO customer * FROM customers WHERE id=customer_id;

  -- Assert that org_id matches: 
  if (customer.org_id != user.org_id) then
    return false;
  end if;

  -- Nothing more to check for:
  return true;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_doc_acl(uid integer, did integer)
  user_id   integer;
  doc_id    integer;
  user      record;
  doc       record;
  proj_rel  record;
  user_id := $1;
  doc_id  := $2;
  SELECT INTO user * FROM users WHERE id=user_id;
  SELECT INTO doc  * FROM documents WHERE id=doc_id;

  -- Check that org_id matches
  if (doc.org_id != user.org_id) then
    return false;
  end if;

  -- If document was created by user, accept it
  if (doc.user_id_created = user_id) then
    return true;
  end if;  -- if document is public, accept it
  if (doc.is_public) then
    return true;
  end if;

  -- else, check the project-document relations -- is the 
  -- user member of a project that allows access to the document? 
  SELECT INTO proj_rel COUNT(*) AS acl_count FROM project_users
    JOIN projects ON project_users.project_id =
    JOIN project_documents ON = project_documents.project_id
    JOIN documents ON project_documents.document_id =
    WHERE = doc_id
          AND project_users.user_id = $1;

  -- acl_count returns the number of allowed relationships to exactly 
  -- this document  
  return proj_rel.acl_count > 0;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Would it be more beneficial to drop the functions and rewrite my basic queries first? However, it is a nice feature having all security checks wrapped into a three-four basic functions. 
If my design is completely flawed, I am also open to other design suggestions on how to do proper row-based access control.

I am not asking for the complete solution but a few pointers on how to speed this up would be really great. Thanks! 

pgsql-sql by date:

From: Anders Østergaard Jensen
Subject: Re: Question on COUNT performance
From: Lee Hachadoorian
Subject: Re: Question on COUNT performance