Dear developers,<br /><br />I'm PhD candidate in Brazil and a newbie on postgresql developement, sorry for any silly
questions.I implemented a new algorithm for range search using universal b-tree but I don't have a clue how to
integrateit into postgresql.<br /><br />Where I can find the resources about it?<br /><br /> I don't need to change
B-treeestructure. I just need integrate my encode function that transforms multiple keys into one key by
bit-interleavingand to acess elements given several intervals (range search).<br /><br />I've heard about a framework
ATOMon the article "Native Multidimensional Indexing in Relational Databases" written by David Hoksza, Tomas Skopal
whichsays that ATOM abstracts the way that postgres records information... does any one know where I can get it?<br
/><br/>Best regards,<br /><br />Daniel Oliveira<br />