I asked the Maven central question a few days ago, see http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-jdbc/2010-09/msg00026.php, and opened a ticket at Sonatype https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-843, however as I commented in the ticket I do not feel comfortable to upload artefacts from a project I haven't contributed to.Having latest releases in the Maven central repo is important, so I was surprised when I didn't find them.- GerdAm 01.10.2010 um 18:22 schrieb "Albert Kurucz" <albert.kurucz@gmail.com>:Do I need the new version 9 JDBC to access the version 9 server from Java, or will the version 8 jdbc able to connect the version 9 server?Version 9.0-801 jdbc is released, but still missing from Maven Central. The latest what can be found there is http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/postgresql/postgresql/8.4-701.jdbc4/Is there anybody working on this issue?
Do I need the new version 9 JDBC to access the version 9 server from Java, or will the version 8 jdbc able to connect the version 9 server?Version 9.0-801 jdbc is released, but still missing from Maven Central. The latest what can be found there is http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/postgresql/postgresql/8.4-701.jdbc4/Is there anybody working on this issue?
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