On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Richard Yen <richyen@iparadigms.com> wrote:
> This leads me to believe that there was a sudden flurry of write activity that occurred, and the process that would
flushWAL files to /db/data/ couldn't keep up, thereby filling up the disk. I'm wondering if anyone else out there
mightbe able to give me some insight or comments to my assessment--is it accurate? Any input would be helpful, and
I'lltry to make necessary architectural changes to keep this from happening again.
I tend to agree. What kind of disk setup is under your data store?
If it's RAID-5 or RAID-6 is it possibly degraded?
I'd run iostat -xd 10 while the write load it high to see how your
xlog partition %util compares to the main data store partition.
Do you have your main data store partition under a battery backed
caching RAID controller? Tell us what you can about your hardware