On 12 August 2010 09:16, Mike Christensen <mike@kitchenpc.com> wrote:
> Damn I'm the master at posting stuff then figuring it out like 5
> seconds later.. Is there an approach better than this?
> select RecipeId, Rating, array_to_string(ARRAY(select Tag from
> RecipeTags where RecipeId = R.RecipeId), ' ') from Recipes R;
How about this:
SELECT recipes.recipeid, recipes.name,
array_to_string(array_agg(recipetags.tag), ' ')
FROM recipes
LEFT JOIN recipetags ON recipes.recipeid = recipetags.recipeid
GROUP BY recipes.recipeid, recipes.name;
Although in 9.0 you'll be able to do this:
SELECT recipes.recipeid, recipes.name, string_agg(recipetags.tag, ' '
ORDER BY recipetags.tag)
FROM recipes
LEFT JOIN recipetags ON recipes.recipeid = recipetags.recipeid
GROUP BY recipes.recipeid, recipes.name;
Thom Brown
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