From the logs it seems, the initdb was successful, However, the database server failed to start afterwards. Can you manually start the database service? If yes try installing PostGIS from stackbuilder after that.
If no, then whats the error message you are getting?
2010/11/9 Anders Söderman
I´ve tried many times to install in different ways. Hopefully I removed all files from previous installations before trying again.
I don´t know if the logs are useful. I´ve tried to understand what the log says without result.
I think, right now, that I should do an PostgreSQL/PostGIS installation using all default values and then try to change the "postgresql\9.0\data" folder to the RAID-1 LAN-disk. Thanks Anders Söderman Stockholm Sweden
On Nov 7, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Anders Söderman wrote:
Hello – I´m trying to install PostgreSQL and PostGIS ”asking” PostgreSQL to store data on my new Netgear NAS Duo LAN-disk in a Windows XP sp2 environment.
In the Setup Wizard I accept C:\Program\PostgreSQL\9.0
and I change C:\Program\PostgreSQL\9.0\data to either //R1/aa_db/PostgreSQL\9.0\data or P:\PostgreSQL\9.0\data where P:\ = //R1/aa_db/ on the computer from which I´m installing Postgresql.
R1 is the name of the Netgear disk och aa_db the Share/folder I want to store the PostgreSQL data in.
I have tried every possible combination I can think of. Sometimes the installation seems to work, but in pgAdmin “Connected?” says “No”. If I try to install PostGIS afterwards I crashes during the EnterpriseDB Stackbuilder installation.
After several hours I can´t find any useful information in the manual or on the FORUMs.
If anybody could give me a hint where I should look I would be so happy. Regards Anders Söderman Stockholm Sweden
What exactly is the error message you get while installing PostgreSQL? Can you attach the installation log (%TEMP%\install-postgresql.log) or (%TEMP%\bitrock_installer_<some number>.log).
Sachin Srivastava
EnterpriseDB, India