Christian Ullrich wrote:
> * Albe Laurenz wrote:
>> It should work on 64-bit Windows, but I have no such machine to build it.
>> I'd be happy to publish binaries if somebody can build them.
> Every time I go up against what passes for a PostgreSQL build system on
> Windows, I am pleasantly surprised that it is not half as fragile as it
> looks.
> I now have working 64-bit builds of oracle_fdw.dll for both 9.2 and 9.3,
> built against the respective git branches. The only thing is, I'm not at
> all conversant with the build environment required for portable
> extension modules. I have been using Visual Studio 2012; do I have to
> build with 2008 to avoid runtime library clashes, or is that not an
> issue here?
I don't know enough about Windows to answer this, but I use
Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 (7.1)
to build my binaries.
As far as I know, that is an outtake from Visual Studio, but
I don't know which version it corresponds to.
Do your DLL work with the PostgreSQL binaries that EnterpriseDB offers for
download? If yes, then I'd be interested in publishing them.
Laurenz Albe