Re: pg_atoi error? - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Godshall Michael
Subject Re: pg_atoi error?
Whole thread Raw
In response to pg_atoi error?  (Lynna Landstreet <>)
List pgsql-novice

Sorry,  I was trying to make it more efficient early this week and what I sent previously only catches the first row of the file.  The below will get the entire file.  Told you I was not an expert!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main () {
    char str = '0';
        char strPrevious = ' ';
        char strTextFlag = 'N';
        int intqute = 0, intPosition = 0;
        char strSkipOutput = 'N';

        ifstream in("C:\\Inventory_summary.csv");
                cout << "Cannot open the input file.";
                return 1;

    ofstream out ("c:\\test.txt");
                cout << "Cannot open the output file.\n";
                return 1;

                in >> str;

                if (intqute == 2)
            intqute = 0;
                        strTextFlag = ' ';

                case '\"' :
                        strTextFlag = 'Y';
                        str = ' ';
                case '#' :
                          strSkipOutput = 'Y';
                case '>' :
                          strSkipOutput = 'Y';

                case '<' :
                          strSkipOutput = 'Y';

                case '\t' :
                          str = '|';

        case '\r' :
            strSkipOutput = 'Y';

    if (str == 'M' && strPrevious == '^') //convert dos line feed to unix line feed.  only if prior character was ^
                str = 'J';
        if (str == 'Z' && strPrevious == '^') //convert dos end of file to unix end of file.  only if prior character was ^

                str = 'D';

        if ( str == ',' && strTextFlag != 'Y') //convert comma delimiter to a pipe
            str = '|';
         if (strPrevious == '\n' && str == '\n')  //don't output extra \n windows inserts on last line
                          strSkipOutput = 'Y';
          if( strSkipOutput == 'N')
             out << &str;        
           } else
                   strSkipOutput = 'N';
           strPrevious = str;




        return 0;


-----Original Message-----
From: Lynna Landstreet []
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:03 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] pg_atoi error?

Hi folks,

Run into a wee problem here. I just attempted to flush and re-populate the
images table in my database, because I realized I'd done something in an
inefficient way. But now I'm getting an error when I try to use \copy in
psql to re-load the modified text file into the table. Here's the error I'm

ERROR:  copy: line 1, pg_atoi: error in "1339": can't parse "1339"
lost synchronization with server, resetting connection

Here's what I was telling psql:

\copy images from images.txt using delimiters '|' with null as ''

And here's the contents of Line 1 in the text file I was using:

1339|/akimoto_shinobu/akimoto1.jpg|Secretary Project (installation
view)||chromogenic (colour) prints|7.5 x 10.8 cm each||1998|Slide||In
<i>Secretary Project,</i> Akimoto demonstrates, through ritualistic
documentation of her commuter train and locker, how mundane and repetitive
labour, limited time, space and resources, and the social imperative to
conform, shape and direct artistic practice.|2003-3-19|Lynna
Landstreet|2003-3-19|Lynna Landstreet

It doesn't look to me as though there should be anything particularly
contentious in there. The string quoted in the error message does not
appear, and there are no non-ASCII characters, Mac line returns or anything
else untoward in that row. The database is set to Unicode encoding, and the
text file was saved as Unicode/UTF-8 from my text editor, BBEdit (BBEdit Pro
7.0.3 introduced that option, which is very handy).

I've already tried the following:

- Stripping out and replacing all line returns in the file, while making
sure line returns are set to UNIX.
- Setting line returns to Unicode and doing likewise.
- Using BBEdit's "Zap Gremlins" feature to search for hidden control
characters and the like.
- Uploading the file both as ASCII and as binary to see if that made a

This is the exact same text file I originally populated the table from --
the only difference is that I stripped out the string "/db_images" from the
beginning of the image_path field in each row. Does anyone have any idea
what might be causing this error message?

Resource Centre Database Coordinator
Gallery 44

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

pgsql-novice by date:

From: Godshall Michael
Subject: Re: pg_atoi error?
From: Rod Taylor
Subject: Re: [PHP] Accessing Postgres db from apache using PHP