Re: registry vs. environment (was re:binary - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Claudio Natoli
Subject Re: registry vs. environment (was re:binary
Msg-id A02DEC4D1073D611BAE8525405FCCE2B55F2F0@harris.memetrics.local
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-hackers-win32
> > So, if I want to have multiple servers registered, I could do:
> >     postgres /regserver MyPGServer_1 -D c:/data1
> >     postgres /regserver MyPGServer_2 -D c:/data2
> > and so on.
> Where do you plan to store this data, if not in the registry?

Um, well, of course implicitly, but only as an artifact of the CreateService
call. Basically, all I see that need to be done is to, when calling
CreateService, augment the lpBinaryPathName argument with the argument list

Any objections?

But, when the discussion starts degenerating into the finer points of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Foo\Blah vs other
esoteric register keys, well, that just seems misguided.

> Can *all* env variable settings be set on the commandline as well?

Haven't needed any so far. There might well be, but then I think any
subsequent discussion should really be centered around providing command
line args for these too, right?

> If so, we can just use a single registry key to store a commandline for
the service.

Yeah, by letting the Win32 Service API handle the details, as above. End of


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pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: "Magnus Hagander"
Subject: Re: registry vs. environment (was re:binary
From: "Magnus Hagander"
Subject: Re: registry vs. environment (was re:binary