Hi Bruce,
I have a couple of questions regarding your intended fork/exec changes
related to BackendFork:
* I see you are passing the values of things like UsedShmemSegID,
UsedShmemSegAddr etc on the command line. Was your intention to pass other
shared mem addresses like FreeSpaceMap, LWLockArray in this way too, or did
you intend to register these addresses within another section of shared
memory, or some other idea (FWIW, I've got a cygwin version fork/exec'ing
the backends using the former method).
* With regards to BackendFork itself, was your plan to reduce this to simply
formatting the argument list, and calling fork/exec, with things like random
number seeding and the like moved into PostgresMain? (ie. the BackendFork
call would actually be performed by the Postmaster, with BackendFork
rewritten such that no "global" context is required between the fork and
exec calls; which'll be what we need to make Win32/CreateProcess changes
possible). If not, could you give me an idea of what you had intended?
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