PostgreSQL - 7.1.3 (installed on Linux 2.4.2-2)
PSQLODBC.DLL - 07.01.0007
Visual C++ - 6.0
PostgreSQL does not return the standard ANSI Native SQL number through
1) - Select from a table that does not exist.
ANSI Native sql code is -208
SQL SERVER returns -208
DB2 returns -204
ORACLE returns -942
PostgreSQL returns -7
2) - Select a column that does not exist on a valid table.
ANSI Native sql code is -207
SQL SERVER returns -207
DB2 returns -206
ORACLE returns -904
PostgreSQL returns -7
3) - Referential integrity violated.
-547 = Reference or constraint violated
-2627 = Primary key violated
-2601 = Duplicate key row
PostgreSQL returns -7 for all the above scenarios ?
Infact, PostgreSQL only ever return -7 !!!
OK - PostgreSQL (Like all the other Database vendors above) does return an
informative string, but it should also return the correct Native ANSI SQL
Anyone know of a way to retreive this Native SQL number?