While I'm not sure specificly which order they will be determined
in, it has no effect on what the value of "c1" will be. The value
of "c1" will be 10 minus the value of "c2" where "c2" equals the
value it was before the update occurred. For exmple...
1. Assume you create the following table...
create table temp
( c1 int2, c2 int2, c3 int2
2. Insert the following row...
insert into temp values (1,1,1);
3. Execute the following update command...
update temp
set c1 = (10-c2), c2 = 5, c3 = (10-c2);
4. Execute the following select...
select * from temp;
5. Observe the following output...
c1 c2 c3
== == ==
9 5 9
You will note that both c1 and c3 equal 10 - 1. Neither equals
10-5. To make the value 10 - {the value after the update},
you would need to set the value to c1/c3 equal to the value of
10 - {the expression used to assign value to c2}. In the
example above, your update statement would be...
update temp
set c1 = ( 10 - (5) ), c2 = (5), c3 = ( 10 - (5) );
In article <Pine.LNX.4.21.0104281846010.233-100000@presario>,
anuradha@gnu.org wrote:
> If I have a query
> UPDATE tablename SET c1 = 10 - c2, c2 = 4 where ...
> will the two assignments be evaluated from left to right?
> Thanks in advance.
> Anuradha
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