On 1/2/17 11:39 AM, David Steele wrote:
> On 1/2/17 12:30 PM, Jim Nasby wrote:
>> On 1/1/17 9:48 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>>> On 12/30/16 9:57 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
>>>> Additionally, people who are actually using these bits of the system are
>>>> almost certainly going to have to adjust things for the directory
>>>> change,
>>> Some *xlog* functions are commonly used to measure replay lag. That
>>> usage would not be affected by the directory renaming. Renaming those
>>> functions would only serve to annoy users and have them delay their
>>> upgrades.
>> Perhaps we should split the difference and do what we did for XML:
>> provide a contrib module with alias functions using the old (xlog) names.
> -1
> Since these functions are normally used by admins and not generally used
> in SQL and functions, I'm not convinced the maintenance of the extension
> would be worth it. Admins are free to create whatever aliases they need
> to get their work done.
AIUI several others are arguing that this name change is going to break
a lot of user monitoring code. I certainly agree with Stephen that some
of the *xlog* functions are used for monitoring replay lag. So I think a
backwards compatibility fix is reasonable.
Why would we force users to each come up with their own solution to this
when we can just provide one?
BTW, I think fears of the maintenance cost of a contrib module are
pretty overblown... it's not like we change these functions that often.
We have added quite a few in the last few releases, but we don't need
backwards compatibility for new stuff.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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