Re: Learning Plpgsql ?? - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Roman Fail
Subject Re: Learning Plpgsql ??
Whole thread Raw
In response to Learning Plpgsql ??  (Jonathon Batson <>)
List pgsql-novice
I would suggest using the pgAdminII Migration Wizard.  It will create all the sequences for you and sets them to the
appropriatevalues (max primary key).  I just completed a migration from MS SQL Server and it was fantastic.  Very, very
easy- as long as you don't have binary data, which was an incredible pain.
As far as learning PL/pgSQL goes....I'm having trouble with that too.  The examples in the docs aren't very helpful,
I'vehad to search the mailing list archives a lot.  There should be a well defined example of how to return a ResultSet
froma function, for one thing.  I found this message in the archives very helpful (and think it should be added to the
Whereas the docs describe how to do it, but don't show the actual code (in 19.6.1):
Roman Fail
Sr. Web Application Developer
POS Portal, Inc.
Sacramento, CA USA

    On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 14:18, Jonathon Batson wrote:
    > Hi
    > Newbie to Plpgsql and Postgres.
    > I am porting dbs from Access97 to postgres, tables and data comes across
    > fine but the autonumber(sequences) do not
    > get updated, so I need to do this manually using > SELECT
    > setval(sequence_name,value);
    > OK , this is no problem, BUT, I have 90 tables in the db, and around 70
    > clients to port to postgres.
    > So a function to do this is needed.
    > The direction took so far is to create a  table, seq_table consisting of
    >  all the sequences information in the db as follows:
    >     sequence_name                    table_name            pk_column
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------
    > customer_number_seq                customer               c_number
    > purchase_job_number_seq         purchase                job_number
    > etc
    > Then a function that in psuedo code is something like this
    > for each row in seq_table
    >     get max(pk_column) from table_name
    >     set sequence_name to max
    > endfor
    > So my function is:
    > -- Function: update_seq()
    > CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION update_seq() RETURNS text AS '
    >   DECLARE
    >      row RECORD;   
    >      maxid INTEGER;
    >   BEGIN
    >      -- select sequence information [ sequence_name, table_name, pk_column]
    >     FOR row IN SELECT * FROM seq_table LOOP
    >        --  get the maxid for row.table_name on row.pkcolumn
    >        SELECT max(row.pk_column) INTO maxid FROM row.table_name;
    >        -- then set the sequence value
    >        SELECT setval(row.sequence_name,maxid);
    >     END LOOP;
    >     RETURN ''done'';
    >   END;
    > '  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
    I think you will need to build the queries as text and use EXECUTE to
    EXECUTE them:
      dqry TEXT;
      dqry := ''SELECT setval('''' || row.sequence_name || '''', '' || maxid
    || '');'';
      EXECUTE dqry;
    Section 19.5.4 of the docs.
    > The function fails at the line select into line
    > SELECT max(row.pk_column) INTO maxid FROM row.table_name;
    > with the following error........something to do with the second var
    > row.table_name I think.
    > swimdb=# SELECT update_seq();
    > NOTICE:  Error occurred while executing PL/pgSQL function update_seq
    > NOTICE:  line 14 at select into variables
    > ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "$2"
    > Any ideas would be gratefully accepted...
    > Also a direction on some more detailed PL/pgSQL documentation
    > Have looked a Postgres Interactive Docs..not so helpfull
    > Thanks
    > Jonathon

pgsql-novice by date:

From: "Chad Thompson"
Subject: Re: [May be Spam]NewBie
From: Jim Beckstrom
Subject: Re: Learning Plpgsql ??