I'm using rserv (from contrib) to replicate one DB to another. Works fine
for all the easy tables, i.e. those that have a one column primary key.
However, I'm also trying to replicate a couple of man-in-the-middle for
many-to-many relatinships tables, so they don't have any unique fields.
In the rserv documentation it says that you have to specify a column
"that is updated" for each table, but is not clear to me which one to
specify for that kind of tables.
I'm currently creating a new field of type bigint, where I store a
combination of the primary key, that I can assure will be unique --
until I get lots of entries in the main tables, that is.
What is the "right" approach for this?
Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]atentus.com>)