>1. Is there a TCL extension to this database? I see you have a pgtksh, pktclsh
> interpreter compiled with the package. I was thinking if I can have the
> postgresql interfaces incorporated to our TCL/TK interpreter.
>>I belive the tcl/tk shell is a full shell with the PG libraries compiled in.
>>would someone please correct me if I am wrong.
>2. I can't seem to figure out how I can setup to run the psql clients on
> other sun machines beside the server that the postmaster is running on.
> Do you know how I can setup to do that?
>>Is the postmaster running with ip enabled ???? postmaster -i -B 256......
>>you can check using netstat -an|grep 5432
>>The -i turns IP on, otherwise postgresql is only using Unix Sockets.
>3. The \copy command. What do I use for the delimeter of each field?
> I can't seem to find that in the documentation.
>>template1=> \h copy
Command: copy
Description: copy data to and from a table
copy [binary] <class_name> [with oids]
{to|from} {<filename>|stdin|stdout} [using delimiters <delim>];
>>you can use "\t" a HTab or "," a comma. that is what i generally use.
>>Check the mailing list archive there was a thread about speeding up copy
>>by using a fifo.(could we add this to the documentation or is it??)
Hope I helped,
--Robert Reilly