> > > > What version of tar understands how to ungzip a .gz file?
> > > >
> > > > Is this what the 'z' flag is for?
> > >
> > > gnu tar supports the 'z' flag to uncompress and untar at the same
> > > time...
> >
> > This sucks. As a group that seems to not like GNU (or at least their
> > license), we require enough of their tools to compile/install postgres.
> >
> > Off to see the wizard at the gnu ftp site...
> Quit whining and send in some patches :) I hacked those makefiles at the end
> of a 10 hour push to get the docs wrapped up. The best thing that could be
> said for them is that they seemed to work on my machine (and I guess on
> postgresql.org now that I think about it).
I didn't send patches since I wasn't sure if you were still working on it.
Something like "gzip -dc file.tar.gz | tar -xvf -" uncompress' it in place.
I'll play around with -C to move it around.
> Could we just replace the "tar zxf" with "uncompress ... | tar xf"? Does
> anyone else have a strong opinion on (or experience with) makefiles for the
> postgres distribution who want to help Darren get out from under the gnu
> usage??
I don't really have a problem with gnu stuff, but the machine that I put
postgres on is a development machine here for other folks too. Also used
for the src for our product line. I can't just go drop in a new tar or
what not...