> Ahhh. You don't have a single column index on the timestamp value or a multi column one with timestamp first. No
wonderthe subquery didn't help. My apologies for not realizing that before. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity why it
didn'tperform like it should. Certainly, that index may or may not be worth creating and maintaining.
Indeed. Typical queries use both device id and a timestamp range. Only in some queries more than a few devices are
> Obviously the 3 days worth of data is also too high (just quick and safe). Depending on what your server timezone vs
thethe most divergent timezone on a device, that could be tightened up. Regardless. If the 5 seconds runtime you got to
withthe correlated subquery on the where clause is sufficient, then no need to continue I suppose.
Yeah, I am ok with the performance now. The overall query where this was extracted from (and which had multiple full
tablescans) went from more than 2 hours to 30 seconds. Given it’s a daily ‘async’ report that is sufficient.
> It seems odd to me to not do any basic adjustment of random_page_cost though. It isn't a magic number that the core
teamknow to be perfect. It is a baseline that is likely to be quite different for each use case and server config.
Whilethere are no hard and fast rules and absolute right answers, it seems prudent to at least follow the advice of the
communityand lower it a ways if storage is ssd style and/or cache hits are quite high.
Ic. Well I don’t mine experimenting with it, and will certainly remember it next time. I guess I was demotivated
becauseI read lot’s of warnings but these might have been about disabling sequential scans and not about page cost