I get an error when trying to add a foreign key constraint:
"CREATE TABLE: column "mno" referenced in foreign key consraint does not exist"
Yes, it does not exist because it is "MNo" not "mno". But foreign key form of pgAdmin has a combo box that I select my
FKcolumn and it does no allow me to insert "" around MNo. I think "add column" wizard uses ""s internally, but FK
wizarddoesn't which I think is an error. Am I wrong?
Also, when I change my column name to "mno" from "MNo", it gives that error:
"UNIQUE constraint matching gives keys for referenced table "Manufacture" not found"
NOTE: "Manufacture"s primary key is "No". I also have a table named say "XXX" which has a FK named "MNo" referencing
What should I do instead?
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