On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Dann Corbit <DCorbit@connx.com> wrote:
> The Windows installation service uses pg_ctl to perform the network
> start-up operation.
> This program starts up the postmaster and exits.
> The net effect of performing the operation in this manner is that the
> Windows service manager sees the service as "not running" a few minutes
> after the startup is complete. It also prevents proper pause and
> restart of the service.
Per our offlist conversation, this is not how it works.
> As a suggestion:
> Instead of installing pg_ctl as the service, start up postgres as the
> service. This is how we did our Windows port. If the idea is appealing
> to the PostgreSQL group, we can send our service code modifications for
> review as a possible alternative to the current method.
> Another approach that could be equally helpful (along the same lines) is
> to leave pg_ctl.exe in memory and allow it to control the program.
Which is what does happen.
Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com