Souvik Bhattacherjee schrieb am 22.04.2019 um 17:27:
> Hi,
> I was just wondering if it is possible to store the output of EXPLAIN into a table.
> create temp table mytab as (select * from (explain select * from table1 where attr = 5) t);
> Unfortunately, the query above does not work.
You can't do that directly. You need to write a function that wraps the explain, and returns the plan as a result set.
Something like:
create or replace function show_plan(to_explain text)
returns table (line_nr integer, line text)
l_plan_line record;
l_line integer;
l_line := 1;
for l_plan_line in execute 'explain (analyze, verbose, format xml)'||to_explain loop
return query select l_line, l_plan_line."QUERY PLAN"::text;
l_line := l_line + 1;
end loop;
language plpgsql;
The you can use:
create temp table mytab as
select *
from show_plan('select * from table1 where attr = 5');