Hi,<br />I know you probably get this sort of comment all the time... but I'm going to make it anyway :-). I have
managedto get postgres firmly on the radar in our company, and I am pretty sure that all new db projects (that don't
absolutelyhave to be without a server process...) we do will be postgres based. That said... all the devs (me included
:-))have got used to a certain db manager frontend (guess which :-)) which makes it very easy to copy and paste from
onecell to another, and to other apps, and from one row to another etc. Are there any plans to make data entry a little
easierin the data view? It would be a great deal easier to ween the others of access if we had more access-like
functionality...Of course, it is only for development, and nothing is stopping us from creating an access file linking
tothe db... (which is what we currently do). <br />At the end of the day pgadmin allows one to administer the db which
issomething access never will... but why not have it all ;-).<br clear="all" />Cheers<br />Antoine<br />-- <br />This
iswhere I should put some witty comment.